TITLE: 내가 심판하러 너희에게 임할 것이라.(I will come near to you for judgment.)
경배와 찬양: 목마른 사슴; 나 주님의 기쁨되기 원하네; 540장-주의 음성을 내가 들으니; 563장-예수 사랑하심을
HYMN: 93장-예수는 나의 힘이요; 529장-온유한 주님의 음성
TEXT: 말라기(Malachi) 2:17-3:5
Question: 오늘 하루를 어떻게 살아가야 하나? - How should we live today?
OUTLINE: 내가 심판하러 너희에게 임할 것이라.(I will come near to you for judgment.)
1. 인간의 죄때문에 괴로워하시는 하나님 - God who suffers for our sins.
2. 불과 비눗물로 정결케 하시는 하나님 - God who purifies with fire and soap.
3. 심판자로 임하실 하나님 - God who will come as the Judge.
INTRODUCTION: [This Day and That Day]
Martin Luther said, “There are only two days on my calendar.: this day and that day.”
For the Israelites, there were only two days on the calendar.: today and the Day of the Lord.
For us, there are only two days that should matter to believers.: today and the day Jesus returns to test our worth. [Christ-Centered Exposition, p245]