TITLE: 너희 심령을 삼가 지켜 거짓을 행하지 말지니라.(Guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.)
경배와 찬양: 279장-인애하신 구세주여; 240장-주가 맡긴 모든 역사; 사랑하며 섬기겠어요; 천사의 말을 하는 사람
HYMN: 91장-슬픈 마음 있는 사람; 313장-내 임금 예수 내 주여
TEXT: 말라기(Malachi) 2:10-16,
Question: 하나님은 어떤 결혼을 원하시나? - What kind of marriage does God want?
OUTLINE: 너희 심령을 삼가 지켜 거짓을 행하지 말지니라.(Guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.)
1. The Charge of Unfaithfulness -불성실에 대한 고소
2. Evidence 1: Illegal Intermarriage -증거 1: 불법적인 결혼
3. Evidence 2: Divorce -증거 2: 이혼
4. The Charge of faithfulness -성실의 책임
INTRODUCTION: [The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire]-로마제국의 쇠퇴와 멸망
Edward Gibbon wrote The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the eighteenth century. In this six-volume work he says there are five reasons why the Roman Empire fell—the great Roman Empire, the indestructible Roman Empire. Would you take a stab at some of the five? Let me give you two of them that I think are apropos to this text. The first and foremost reason the Roman Empire fell was the rapid divorce within the community, which in turn undermined the dignity and sanctity of the home. Divorce was the number one reason. A second reason was the decay of religion—at that time, Christianity—allowing it to become ritualistic and lifeless. This is after the rise of Constantine, when Christianity moved from the little “c” catholic church, that is, the universal church, to the big “C” Catholic Church, led by the military leader Constantine. As he looked at history, Gibbon concluded that Rome did not fall because of enemies from without; rather, it imploded from within. Those in the West today should take heed. [Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, p238-239]